
Any traveler knows …………………………

Detours are frustrating and pop up when least expected. Getting to where you want to go can take much longer than expected.

And, so it is with our travels through life. The path to our goals is rarely straight and easy. But as we get older if we are wise we learn to accept detours as learning experiences. I have learned so much more from being forced to step back and re-route than I ever would have from the quick and easy road. 

Unfortunately,  we do not have built in GPS systems to take us around the difficult situations. We must learn to navigate them ourselves. We have all been in the situation when we hear our GPS say “you have reached your destination” and we are literally in the middle of nowhere. That is because we were not relying on ourselves to get to where we wanted to go we were asking to be put there without any inner knowledge.

When we navigate life , we learn so much because we are forced to take the time to learn life’s lessons along the way. These lessons we learn along the way build our character, wisdom, patience and abilities.

But if the detour you take brings you back to the same place you started from you know you must make some changes and take a different path.  Embrace life’s detours and take advantage of every stop along the way.

Aging feels full of detours,  we want an easy route where we sail along down that highway with no difficulties but that is unlikely to happen.  There will be physical setbacks, financial setbacks and emotional ones. But with everything that we learn while navigating the detours we will arrive exactly where we want to be.


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