Where is your “Joy”?

This is known as a Joyful time of year. But Joy is important to have all the time. Yet for many people it is elusive and hard to find especially at a time of year that seems to demand it. Joy is inside of us all the time and cannot be pulled up on demand but instead is brought on by a source of pleasure or happiness. Everyone’s source of pleasure is different People often talk about finding pleasure or joy. But it is not something that you can actively find. It finds you! It is inside all of us just waiting for a situation or experience to cause it to bubble out. Sources of joy are unique to every individual. It can be found in both big and small things; a vacation to an amazing destination, a photograph, a song on the radio or a grandchild’s smile. Give joy every chance to enter your life as often as possible. And when it does dance like no one is watching!!




The Science of Beauty….Real or Imagined?