Expanding the "Conversation" on Life, Aging, Family, Fashion, Travel and all things Candace Leslie Cima by sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings.

You Are Not Your Thoughts
Candy Cima Candy Cima

You Are Not Your Thoughts

Getting older has allowed us to accumulate a lot of wisdom and a broader outlook on life. Along the way, we have learned some valuable lessons, but in many ways, these things that we’ve learned and all the thoughts that are in our heads can come back to bite us. All of these thoughts, all of these experiences have created images in our heads of things we’ve seen and done; and these images create thoughts that may now be our own worst enemies.

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Stepping Into My 78th Year
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Stepping Into My 78th Year

Since February is my Birthday Month, I thought I would write this blog about how I feel about stepping into my 78th year. Truthfully, I am excited. I’ve never been 78 before! Remember when you were in school and you started the year with fresh, blank tablets and notebooks just waiting to be filled with things yet unknown? That’s how I feel about becoming 78. I look forward to it with curiosity and excitement.

I’m assuming many of you are thinking, Why? Well, let me tell you.

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What are you going to do with your now?
Candy Cima Candy Cima

What are you going to do with your now?

We are now firmly planted in 2025. What are you going to do with your Now?


Now you’re one year older and now you’re one year wiser. Today is your Now. This is your chance to leave behind yesterday and claim the person you want to be.

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Step Into you.
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Step Into you.

Let’s face it, aging is a whole new experience unlike any we have had before. My parents had a framed saying in their kitchen that said “Aging is not for Sissies”. I must have looked at that a hundred times and never given it much thought. But like so many things in life, now that I am living it, I am understanding it.

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Here’s The Thing... Aging is a New Experience
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Here’s The Thing... Aging is a New Experience

Let’s face it, aging is a whole new experience unlike any we have had before. My parents had a framed saying in their kitchen that said “Aging is not for Sissies”. I must have looked at that a hundred times and never given it much thought. But like so many things in life, now that I am living it, I am understanding it.

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Living in Your Own Reflection
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Living in Your Own Reflection

Your surroundings are not only a reflection of yourself. That reflection also bounces back at you, setting your mood. Like a reflection in a pond of water how you see yourself is largely a picture of yourself in your surroundings. 

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