Expanding the "Conversation" on Life, Aging, Family, Fashion, Travel and all things Candace Leslie Cima by sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings.
Step Into you.
Let’s face it, aging is a whole new experience unlike any we have had before. My parents had a framed saying in their kitchen that said “Aging is not for Sissies”. I must have looked at that a hundred times and never given it much thought. But like so many things in life, now that I am living it, I am understanding it.
Here’s The Thing... Aging is a New Experience
Let’s face it, aging is a whole new experience unlike any we have had before. My parents had a framed saying in their kitchen that said “Aging is not for Sissies”. I must have looked at that a hundred times and never given it much thought. But like so many things in life, now that I am living it, I am understanding it.
Living in Your Own Reflection
Your surroundings are not only a reflection of yourself. That reflection also bounces back at you, setting your mood. Like a reflection in a pond of water how you see yourself is largely a picture of yourself in your surroundings.
You’re Aging….now what?
Although aging starts the minute we are born when do we really start to think about it? You would think that it was a given and would be something that we would just always be aware of but evidently, I wasn’t!
The Science of Beauty… Real or Imagined?
How much of the beauty industry is science and how much is wishful thinking on the part of the buyer? Well, one thing for sure is that women have gotten a lot smarter. Women today, not only want to know if a skincare product works, but how and why it works.
Caught in Our Own Trap - Avoiding Change
If it seems like life is passing you by, it is likely because you have stopped moving.