Having the Right Mindset to Exercise

Success in any venture begins in the mind.  If you think of it as beginning a process you will succeed. Because the minute you begin the process you are already one step closer to success.  Every time you do even one Yoga pose you are doing something for your body that you were not doing before.  Every day that you continue is slowly changing your life.  In my opinion jumping into any workout ready to change your body and your life in one quick swoop is a mistake. Even though you have the best of intentions doing too much too soon sets you up for an unachievable goal and the risk of injury.

Instead begin any  exercise you choose whether it is walking, weights, yoga, biking etc. at a level that you feel challenges you but leaves you room to up your game. At first you may feel that you are not doing enough but you may not feel the after effects of a work for 48 hours. So, experiment slowly finding your rhythm and the level that works for you.

So how do you stay motivated after your initial enthusiasm wanes? Don't feel like bothering...not in the mood...coming down with a cold....then that day do one Yoga pose instead of six, do one set of weights instead of three. Just take a little walk. You have to expect days like this and know you are in this for the long haul.  The great thing about Yoga is that you can take five minutes anytime during your day to go into a pose. It does not have to be a planned workout.  Sometimes in the middle of getting dressed in the morning I will do Downward Dog or when getting ready for bed at night I will hold Tree Pose for 30 seconds. Over time you will be amazed at how much better you are at the poses and how your body is slowly changing.

Success will not come from enthusiastically  jumping into workout sessions that you do for six weeks and then quit.  Success will come from consistency of doing a little bit every day. Slow and steady wins the race. Even a little bit of exercise can result in health benefits.


Woman’s Right to Bare Arms

