You’re Aging….now what?

Although aging starts the minute we are born when do we really start to think about it?  You would think that it was a given and would be something that we would just always be aware of but evidently, I wasn’t!  I remember vividly the first time the thought came into my head that I am aging and someday I am going to die. I was sitting in a restaurant with my mother and her best friend.

I was probably about 12-13 years old. I have no idea what they were talking about but suddenly it was like a neon sign in my consciousness that someday I was going to die. I believe that may have been the moment that my real interest in aging began. Somewhere along the line I decided that the best way to handle that concept was to understand this natural phenomenon and that began my curiosity with the aging process.

Everyone handles aging in different ways. Some ignore it and are suddenly shocked and angry to find that they are old. Others fight it every step of the way always looking for that Fountain of Youth. Some become bitter and angry and others are thankful for each new day. While the pursuit of a long and healthy life is to be admired some methods people employ to achieve that can be unhealthy or even detrimental. Constantly fighting the aging process is counter- productive. Many people spend so much time trying not to age that they miss the years that they have by being unhappy with who they are. Acceptance allows for a greater appreciation of life as it is.

So now what?

No matter what you do you are still aging. I have come to believe that the most valuable resource that we all possess regarding aging is acceptance. Acceptance of aging isn't about giving up or becoming passive. It's about embracing the natural course of life, making the most of each stage, and finding joy and fulfillment in the present moment. By truly accepting aging as the natural thing that it is you foster better mental health allowing you greater peace of mind and emotional well-being. The constant struggle against aging can be stressful.

Acceptance can alleviate this stress and promote a more relaxed and fulfilling life. One of my favorite Yoga teachers often said when you are forced do things that you do not want to do “Find a way to do it , so you like doing it”.  I have put this into practice as a general part of my life and now know how really valuable these words are. There is always something about every situation that you can find a way to enjoy. You just have to look for it and adapt the situation to make it happen.

You’re aging….you’re lucky!

You have been given a gift. Open that gift and spend some time really looking at it and learning how to best use it. This is your special moment in time.


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