If You Could Change Someone’s World…. Would You?

This time of year everyone is talking about New Year’s Resolutions. What if you could improve not only your life but the lives of others by resolving to spread kindness? Would you?

What if you had limitless abilities to change someone’s world? A lot of attention is being given to living a life of Gratitude these days, but living a life of Kindness and Generosity are equally as important. Maybe even more so in that gratitude makes you feel better about your life but the qualities of kindness and generosity expand to those who experience the benefit of your kindness.

When you begin to practice kindness, it may be a planned occurrence. You may spend time thinking about something nice you can do for someone. But the more you practice kindness the more spontaneous it becomes and the more it becomes part of your basic personality. When you act out of kindness, you give a gift not only to yourself but to the other person. You are giving something that costs you nothing but that can be very much needed by the other person.

If you have experienced someone else’s kindness you know what a lighthearted happy feeling it can give you.  You have this wonderful ability to do this for others……to change their world even if it just for an instance. The more you give of this aspect of your personality, the more this aspect of your personality grows. The lightness you share to others involves you and lifts you up.

When I was young someone told me to always remember these three things before you speak.

1. Is it true?

2. Is it necessary?

3. Is it Kind?

This might be the best advice I ever got! I am not saying that I always remember to do this but at least I am very aware when I have not. Making me more determined to do better in the future. All of our lives are works in progress and there is always going to be another opportunity to lift someone up and make them smile, don’t let it pass you by.  


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