Acceptance Verses Happiness

This time of year, is all about resolutions! Everyone is making resolutions to be a better person in the coming year. Most resolutions end up being difficult things to follow through on,  as most of us know by now! In order to achieve any goal, your mind has to be in the right place. Mindset has a great deal to do with following through on a goal of any kind. If you are not in the right frame of mind, you can’t achieve any of your goals.

We all think that if we achieve our goals, we will be a happier person, after all happiness should be our ultimate goal…. or should it? A lot of attention is focused on achieving the state of happiness. But is that realistic…is that even appropriate? For instance, it would not be appropriate to be happy if you lost a loved one or to be happy if someone you care about is ill or going through a bad time. Yet there is so much energy put into finding happiness.

Happiness is something that everyone wants to achieve all the time, but it’s not realistic. It is more realistic to try to achieve acceptance. Acceptance allows you to be at peace, even when you aren’t happy, which is a very, very important emotion. That does not mean that we should not try to be the best version of our selves but when things are out of our control if we can accept where we are each day then we will have something different and more sustainable then happiness. We will have achieved peace.  

When considering your New Years Resolutions consider working to achieve a better state of mind which is the ultimate regulator of everything in your life. As a man thinketh he is!

Watch my New Year 2023 video here!


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