How I Feel About Turning 77
This my Birthday month and on February 15 I will be 77 years old. How do I feel about turning 77? I honestly cannot say that I am upset in the least about turning 77. I feel lucky to have been able to experience 77 years of life and second curious to see what my remaining years will contain.
My life is now the culmination of every experience I have ever had. The good times, the bad times; a beautiful magical basket of the sweet and the salty. There are reasons that I lived through all of the things that I did and as I age. I appreciate all the newfound perspectives and strengths that have come with my journey. I can see how all the threads fit together to create this fabric of my life.
Early Birthday celebration with my Daughter and Son in Law in Miami
knowing what I would really look like at any given age. Why we live, why we die, are questions we are never meant to have the answers to. There is nothing more natural than aging and dying. All we can control are the years in between. I cannot be upset about another birthday because I am too curious to see what each day will bring. I am especially thankful as I enter my 77th year, for all of you! Each and every one of you has contributed to my life just by being here in my crazy Instagram World. I start each day so happy to hear from you, share ideas, support, stories, gratitude, encouragement with all of you. I have had this amazing opportunity to have a following on social media because of all of you. All of you are the best Birthday present I could ever ask for!
Happy Birthday to me!!
It is fascinating to me to look back and see how each event in my life created the path that I followed to the next one. I have always felt that life is a gift and never more so than now. I am so appreciative of the chance to experience a whole new day tomorrow and to take advantage of all that I have learned. I have no desire to be younger or to chase the elusive “fountain of youth”. As I have mentioned before I have never believed in medical cosmetic procedures or facelifts. I have spent my life working hard to be the best that I can be at every age and I don’t want to look in a mirror and see an artificial version of myself, never