Who Are You?

Do you ever ask yourself this question? When you are questioning what it all means, who you are and why you are here. 

When I ask myself this question, I know who I am. I am Candy Bryant from Brompton Road. All my earliest detailed memories come from here and include my best friend for life, Paula, at my side. Everything that I am was either in me then or grew from there. My soul, my intellect, my desires and my integrity.

When good and bad things happen to you in life, go back to that original self that you see as your beginning.  This is your point of contact. This is where you can always find your true self before all the ups and downs of your life took place.  Notice how each event of your life differs from the next and the last. Every event had consequences good or bad and from each you grew. This is how you became you. This explains who you are but what about the why?

I don’t believe you can achieve an older age without at least once asking yourself “why am I here?”.  I believe that every life has a purpose far bigger than our minds can ever comprehend.  You can see this purpose in small ways throughout your life. When you look at the events of your life and see that a subsequent thing could not have happened without the thing that preceded it. That this particular event could not have happened if a certain “thing” had not happened to cause it. I believe that we are here to be that “thing” that will in a million small ways change other people’s lives and that they in turn will affect their own changes on society.

Never doubt that you have a purpose in life. Never doubt that your life counts for something.

You are unique, there is literally no one else like you. You are affecting other people’s lives every day even when you do not know it. The best way to find inner peace is to know that everything happens for a reason and if you ever feel you are losing your way go back to your point of contact and just be yourself. This is the person that was meant to go out into this world and make a difference. This is who you are and this is why you are here!


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