No Bigger Adventure Than Life

There is no bigger adventure than living Life!  You literally do not know what is going to happen from one day to the next. Life is full of surprises, some good, some bad, but that is what makes it so exciting. Even a bad surprise can have an unexpectedly good outcome.

Approaching life as you would an adventure, with a sense of curiosity can get you through the ups and downs because you will want to see what happens next. The thing that is certain in life is that it is constantly changing.  Just when skies seem the grayest something wonderful happens. There is one constant in life that you can depend on and that is that nothing ever stays the same.  No matter how bad things are that too shall pass and of course that means that the flip side is also true; the good times may not last forever. Just like an adventure ride there are moments in life that make you hold your breath with fear, tingle with anticipation, sigh with relief and scream with joy. But this is all part of the adventure of your life.

One of my favorite authors Kahill Gibran said it best when he wrote “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.”

Life has texture just like fabric and it is the threads of the good times and the bad times that make the wonderful fabric of your life; the wonderful adventure that is yours and yours alone to embrace and watch with curiosity. Enjoy the ride!


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