Is This All There Is?

So often as age we wonder what it all means. We hope that after all these years we will discover some answers to the meaning of our lives. We ask ourselves “Is This All There Is”?  Constantly focusing on meaning we miss what is unfolding to us every day. Always looking ahead to where we want to be, we miss the joys along the way. When we are wrapped up in thinking about our lives and all the whys, we miss the now moments. Precious moments in time that will never happen in exactly this way again. Every moment of every day is like a flower unfolding and it is in this unfolding that we experience life.

 We all want to understand our lives because we feel that if we can understand why things happen maybe we can control them.  But by letting go and giving into the uncertainties of life we learn to experience and appreciate the journey. The journey is all there is.  If we are too wrapped up in looking for something else, we miss the discovery and the unfolding along the way. Our lives are made up of moment after moment coming together like the threads of a fabric.

Each of us have our own journey and that journey is all there is and it is more than enough.

 When you are laughing with friends, hugging your grandchild, smiling at your spouse, sharing a meal, walking in nature, working in your garden, reading a great book these are the moments of your journey, the building blocks of your life. Be grateful for all the moments the good and the bad because this is all there is and exactly what is meant to be.


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