How we Live Our Lives is Influenced by Our Perceptions

Do you begin to feel old at a certain age because you actually feel different, or is it because you have seen articles and magazine stories or been influenced by friends who act old. When you were in your 40’s or 50’s and momentarily forgot a word, I bet you gave it little thought. But when you are older it immediately signals a symptom of old age because your mind has been conditioned that this is what you expect at an older age. Did you know that in fact only 5.3% of people age 65 to 74 have Alzheimer related dementia.

As we age, we worry about what is acceptable for us as far as behavior regarding work, fashion, sports, exercise, and travel. In truth there is nothing that you cannot continue to do with some adaptions. There are all kinds of jobs available for older adults. As you grow older there are many surprising benefits to working at something you enjoy. Such as meeting new people, interacting with others, exploring a new career, earning extra money and having a feeling of self- worth.

You can continue to enjoy Fashion at any age. You may have to adapt by switching out that Mini for a Midi if it makes you more comfortable. There are many Brands who now have as many older women as younger women for customers. Creating your Style and feeling good about yourself can go a long way in putting that spring back in your step.

If you have the perception that “Working Out’ is only for younger people you should know that in a 2019 study, researchers found that increasing physical activity led to 11 percent drop in heart disease risk among people age 60 and older. Alternately, stopping physical activity increased heart disease risk by 27 percent. According to Alicia I. Arbaje, MD, MPH, assistant professor of Geriatrics and Gerontology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore “ A lot of the symptoms that we associate with old age -- such as weakness and loss of balance -- are actually symptoms of inactivity, not age,” Studies have found that even in people in their nineties living in nursing homes, starting an exercise routine can boost muscle strength.

The picture that society has painted for aging adults in the past has been living their later years in assisted living and nursing homes. When in fact only only 4.5 percent (about 1.5 million) of older adults live in nursing homes and 2 percent (1 million) in assisted living facilities. 

Live your life according to new outlooks not old stereotypes. Change your perception of aging and live your life according to what you want it to be. Happiness actually may increase with age. Overall, about 33% of Americans reported being very happy at age 88, versus about 24% of those age 18 to their early 20s. How would we look at aging if society was constantly telling us that our older years can be the best years of our lives? Something to think about!

Leslie B


The Science of Beauty….Real or Imagined?


Thoughts on Aging